Thursday, February 7, 2013

Composition Collection

Bad Composition

This photo is an example of bad composition because the object is directly in the center. The bench is “in jail”, drawing the viewer’s eyes to the center of the photo. This photo lacks variety as the colors presented are similar and dull.


This photo is an example of bad composition because there is no focal point. Your eyes get “lost” as there is no main object to look at. This photo also lacks variety as the colors are very similar and boring. The colors clash, making it uneasy on the eyes.

Good Composition

This photo is an example of good composition because it demonstrates dominance, as well as a variety of colors and textures. Your eyes are drawn to the basketball hoop as it is white in color, next to the red shed.  Also, the hoop is not centered; therefore it is not “in jail.”

This photo is an example of good composition as there is a focal point, but again it is not centered. The shed is a light color, with red accents which draw your attention to it. This photo demonstrates a variety of textures, and is also balanced as there are trees surrounding the shed on both sides. This photo is very easy on the eyes.

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